? Commerce OfficeAWe offer free and complete office equipment also secretary service to all office leasee.
Our center is suitable for global company, office agency, studio and temporary project organizationFlagship
Located on Guanqian Rd. nearby transportation hub.
A competent site to all kinds of clients
from all the world.
Commerce Office Type:2-7 People
Located on Zhongxiao E.Rd. Sec 3, next to Jianguo Expressway and Zhongxiao business area. Suggest for parking space require business owner.
Commerce Office Type:2-5 People
? Mobile officeA−A Sharing Economy Concept−
- Shared common office with other leasee or private use only mobile office
- Except daily rental and monthly rental,we also have weekly rental,a flexible selection to meet multipurposes.
Private Mobile Office
A private space with trenquility atmosphere for high and lasting concentration.Also a good choice for government periodically investigation useShared Common Office
Work with other industry not only reduce budget but also create another collaboration opportunity
? Conference RoomA
1. Lease Period:Monday to Saturday from 09:00-18:00.Holiday and night time will charge additional 3% on cover price
2. All day definition is Monday to Saturday daytime from 09:00-18:00
3. Original leasee and deposit clients will receive 20% off discount
4. All credits are calculated based on NTD$250=1 credit
5. The above quotations are all VAT
6. Preferential discount will be offered if lease period lasts over 7 days